

What is Reiki Healing?

Reiki is a gentle energy healing technique. Reiki can assist healing, rebalance energy and help to restore natural harmony within our body, mind and soul. Reiki helps you to access a place of deep relaxation which is where the healing can begin and balance can be found. During the session my hands are placed on your body to transfer universal energy through me into you, I also use crystals to enhance the balancing of the chakras.

Reiki is from Japan and translates as ‘Rei’ meaning universal or spiritual and ‘Ki’ meaning life force or energy. I have been trained in the Usui lineage of Reiki and have been practising for around 4 years having recently become a Reiki Master.

Reiki treatments are gentle and non-invasive. My clients lie on my professional Reiki bed or can be seated in a chair if preferred. For online treatments, I ask people to find a safe, quiet space where they can sit or lie for the duration of the session without being disturbed. I use zoom, skype, whatsapp or Facetime to facilitate the online sessions.

What to expect?

Everyone experiences Reiki differently. Some people see colours or images, some feel a tingle, an itch or a twitch, some feel warmth, some people feel energised or relaxed. Whatever your experience it is unique to you and is what you need to receive in that moment. After the session has finished there is time for us both to share feedback from the session and I will share with you anything I have received.

You will be asked to complete a treatment consent form prior to your session.


I offer 1:1 Reiki sessions either in the comfort of your own home or in my treatment space in North Nottinghamshire.

£40 for a one hour in-person Reiki session + travel if outside of a 5 mile radius (usually £50)

£20 for a 30 minute intro session (only available at my treatment space)

£30 for a one hour online Reiki session (usually £40)

To book contact me.

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