Yin And Yoga Nidra
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Yin And Yoga Nidra

This class is a 90 minute treat for your body and your mind. Yin is a type of yoga where mainly floor based poses are held for between 3-5 minutes. This extended hold gives you time and space to explore not only the pose but also your state of mind. We generally start with some breathwork to prepare the mind and also a short meditation. The class closes with a 30 minute Yoga nidra session. Yoga nidra is a rejuvenating relaxation that takes you to a liminal space between waking and sleeping, it gives space for deep rest for your body and mind and is sometimes described as yogic sleep. It is incredibly healing for the body as the same brainwaves are accessed here as in deep or REM sleep.

What to bring?

You will need to bring a mat, a blanket (or two), a cushion and some water. I provide blocks and straps as required. It is advisable to wear comfortable clothing that you can move freely in, and layers are always good! The final section of the class is lying in savasana for around 30 minutes so bring warm clothes and socks.

How much?

Classes are £13.50 each.


The second Thursday of each month. 6.30pm - 8.00pm

2023 - 9th November, 14th December 6-7.30pm

2024 - 11th January, 8th February, 14th March, 11th April, 9th May, 13th June.

How to book?

Book now to reserve your space. For more information email Sarah.

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